Tankless water heaters are also known as instant water heaters in Houston. These units make sense for homeowners for several reasons. In vacation homes they can be very desirable. Here are some of the main reasons why tankless water heaters make sense as opposed to the traditional water heater.

- Tankless water heaters in Houston conserve energy. Traditional water heaters have a tank that is constantly filled with water. The traditional water heater provides hot water in your home by constantly heating the water in the tank to maintain it at a set temperature. Tankless water heaters work differently. Tankless units heat water by activating a set of coils that become hot when the unit is turned on. As the water passes over the coils, it is heated. The temperature set on the control determines how hot the water will be when it comes out of the tap and, thus, how hot the coils become and how quickly the water moves across the coils. Tankless water heaters conserve energy by only heating the amount of water needed at a given moment and by heating the water only when it is needed.
- Tankless water heaters are perfect for vacation and second homes. When you are not staying in a second home or a vacation home, it is always wise to turn off any appliances and utilities not in use. This saves money and protects your property. The use of tankless water heaters in these second homes eliminates the risk of a leaking water heater tank, eliminates the cost of leaving the water heater running when the house is not in use, and eliminates the long wait when you do use the house while the gallons and gallons of water in the tank reach the desired temperature.
- Tankless water heaters are a perfect idea when water must travel from one end of the house (where the hot water heater is located) to the other end of the house (a second or third bathroom). If you are serious about conserving water, consider the amount of water used when you run water waiting for the hot water to reach the tap you are using. If there is only a short distance between the water heater and the tap, you might not waste a lot of water. But if the water must travel to the other end of the house, you could waste a large amount of water and you might find that the water cools somewhat as it passes through the pipes. A tankless water heater provides instant hot water at the desired temperature.
If you are a homeowner interested in conserving water, conserving energy, or protecting your investment in a second home or a vacation home, you might want to consider installing Houston tankless water heaters.